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Aradhna Institute

June 5, 2021

What is an application and browsers?

You may have heard people talking about using a program, an application, or an app. But what exactly does that mean? Simply put, an app is a type of software that […]
June 4, 2021

Front and back Cases of a computer

Here we will learn about Front case and Back side case of a computer- Front of a computer case Click the buttons in the interactive below […]
May 26, 2021

Brief About Hardware Components of a Computer

Brief About Hardware Components of a Computer Motherboard Motherboard is the most important hardware component of the computer. Motherboard is the hardware component that holds the […]
November 22, 2020

News Portal Registration in india

News-portal-registration RK Technologies offers the Best services for registration of News portals in india. ऑनलाइन मीडिया, न्यूज पोर्टल के गवर्नमेंट रजिस्ट्रेशन के संबंध में काफी भ्रांतिया […]